Music & Media Ministry
"Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation." Psalm 95:1
Music is a vital part of our church and worship experience, but we also understand the believers worship and connect with God in different ways. At FBC Monroe, we have three unique worship services that offer different music styles to connect with a wide variety of worshippers.
Our 8:30 Early Worship Service and our 10:50 Informal Worship Service both have different praise bands that sings contemporary worship songs. Our 11:00 Traditional Worship Service has a sanctuary choir and organ and sings traditional hymns.
To serve in the music ministry, please contact the church office or one of the worship leaders below.
Get Involved!
The Sanctuary Choir is open to anyone, ages 13-113. There is no required audition. The Sanctuary Choir practices each Wednesday, 7:15-8:45pm in the Choir Room behind the Sanctuary. In addition to leading worship in the 11:00am service on Sunday morning, the Sanctuary Choir leads the annual Hanging of the Green Service, a Christmas Musical Presentation, and other special services.
A Handbell group regularly rings in the 11:00 worship service. The group practices each Wednesday, 5:00-5:50pm (August – May) in the Handbell Room behind the Sanctuary.
Several orchestral instrumentalists play for worship most Sunday morning in the 11:00am service. Additional instrumentalists are always welcome. The 8:30am service and 10:50am service sometimes need an additional guitarist, keyboard player, or percussionist. If you are interested, please talk with the Worship Leader of the service you attend or contact the Church Office.
There is always a need for additional technicians – for sound, projection, recording, and broadcast. No experience is necessary, as there are opportunities for training you. Most services are live streamed and available for viewing later from this website, Facebook, and YouTube.
Contact our worship leaders with questions.
Alex Boskoff
8:30 Early Worship Leader
Chris Bryan
10:50 Informal Worship Leader
Curtis Murdock
11:00 Traditional Worship Leader