Birth through kindergarten
Our purpose is to provide biblically-based, age-appropriate education to preschoolers. We are committed to each student’s success in learning within a caring, responsive, and safe environment.
We focus on eight major building blocks for our preschoolers:
God – God loves me.
Jesus – Jesus is God’s son.
Bible – The Bible is a special book.
Self – God made me.
Family – I have a family that loves me.
Others – Other people are important to God and in my life.
Church – I come to church to learn about God.
Nature – God made the world.
To achieve our mission to keep preschoolers in safe and pleasant environment we have a security system in place, emergency procedures established, hygiene policies to follow, and food and safety guidelines in our classrooms. Click here to read our Child Protection Policy.
On Sunday mornings, we offer three worship services (8:30, 10:50, and 11:00) and Sunday School classes at 9:30 for all ages, including preschool!
Preschool Worship takes place during the 8:30 and 11:00 worship hour. Worship includes music, Bible lessons, puppets, etc. We would love for your preschooler to join us on Sundays for preschool worship and Sunday School!
These programs are for preschoolers and are provided while parents/caregivers are participating in FBC adult education and worship.
On Wednesday nights during the school year, we offer dinner and Bible studies for all ages! Dinner is from 5:00-6:00pm, and adult Bible Studies begin at 6:15pm.
Our desire is for the entire family to grow spiritually. From 6:00-7:15pm, we offer preschool choir and missions for ages birth through kindergarten. We would love for your preschooler to join us on Wednesday nights!
These programs are for preschoolers and are provided while parents/caregivers are participating in FBC Bible Studies and events.